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Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings we have bible classes for all ages beginning at 9:30 AM. Our time of worship begins at 10:30 AM. You can expect an uplifting worship, a weekly sharing in communion, and messages rooted in scripture.

Wednesday Evenings

On Wednesday evenings we have various groups and gatherings. A group dedicated to praying together meets at 6 PM. At 6:30 PM our teen group gathers for a meal and activities. At 7 PM, there’s a bible study group for adults.

Small Groups and Weekly Gatherings

Throughout the week, we have various small groups that gather for everything from bible study to pickleball. Many of our members volunteer with local organizations and would love to help you connect and serve in our community.

Our Story

CityLight Church came about as a merger of the Northside and Sunrise Churches of Christ. Both churches had served in the same neighborhood for decades but little effort had been made to serve together. However, new efforts began in 2021 to join forces as the body of Christ to make a difference in our community. After three years of serving together, and occasionally worshipping together, the two congregations made the choice to unite. CityLight was born from that marriage.

Why Combine?

The decision to unite was not one that was made from financial necessity. Neither church was about to close its doors. Instead, the decision was intentional. We wish to better serve our community and better represent a savior who taught his disciples that their love for each other would be what marked them as followers. We believe our choice reflects the spirit of that teaching.

We Are Different

The two previous churches had somewhat different worship practices before merging and as one church we maintain both traditions. Some songs are sung instrumentally and some are sung acapella with four part harmony. We find both to be beautiful offerings made to God with the gifts He has given us.